
Exodus is His Story

Exodus is His Story

As we bring our study of Exodus to a close I want to share a quotation with you that I feel sums up nicely the main thrust of what Exodus is all about.

What God did for Israel is glorious. Their exodus from Egypt was so famous that people are still talking about it today. But as glorious as it was, it cannot compare to the glorious things that God has done for us. The glory in the tabernacle was the climax of Exodus, but not the climax of redemption. It was only the first glimmerings of the glory that God has prepared for us in Jesus Christ.

The book of Exodus really is his story. Jesus is the Moses of our salvation, the mediator who goes for us before God. Jesus is the Lamb of our Passover, the sacrifice for our sins. Jesus is our way out of Egypt, the deliverer who baptizes us in the sea of his grace. Jesus is our bread in the wilderness, the provider who gives us what we need for daily life. Jesus is our voice from the mountain, declaring his law for our lives. Jesus is the altar of our burning, through whom we offer praise up to God. Jesus is the light on our lampstand, the source of our life and light. Jesus is the basin of our cleansing, the sanctifier of our souls. Jesus is our great High Priest, who prays for us at the altar of incense. And Jesus is the blood on the mercy seat, the atonement that reconciles us to God. The great God of the exodus has saved us in Jesus Christ.[1]

I thank God for the book of Exodus because it so clearly points to and clarifies the person and work of Jesus.


[1] Philip Graham Ryken, Preaching the Word, “Exodus” (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2005), 1161-1162.

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