
Bible Reading - Week 15


Many of the readings this week are psalms that shed light on the story of David. Allow yourself to enter the emotion of these psalms. Pay attention to how they progress from fear and dread of danger to faith and confidence in God. Try using each psalm as a guide to your own prayers.



Psalm 63:1 God, you are my God; I eagerly seek you. I thirst for you; my body faints for you in a land that is dry, desolate, and without water.



DAY 1 Psalms 7, 27, 31, 34, 52

  • In Psalm 7 David seeks refuge in the Lord his God. Where do you seek refuge when you are stressed or in trouble?
  • In Psalm 27 why does David suggest he has nothing to fear or dread? What is the one thing David asks for, the one thing he desires?
  • What challenges is David experiencing in Psalm 31? What action does he take to help him overcome his challenges?
  • What does David suggest in Psalm 34 that his readers join him in doing? What are some benefits of pursuing righteousness?
  • What will David trust in forever, according to Psalm 52? In what will David put his hope?


DAY 2 Psalms 56, 120, 140-142

  • According to Psalm 56, what does David do when he is afraid?
  • In Psalm 120 what did the Lord do for David when he called out to him?
  • According to Psalm 140, why does David need the Lord’s help from the violent, the wicked, and the prideful? What is David confident the righteous will experience?
  • Perhaps you should consider committing Psalm 141:3 to memory. Can you accept rebuke like that described in verse 5? If not, why do you think you can’t? Is this something you need to work on?
  • In Psalm 142 why does David need the Lord to hear his cry? Why does he want to be free from prison? What does this reveal about his priorities?


DAY 3 1 Samuel 25-27; Psalms 17, 73

  • What are the differences between Nabal and his wife Abigail?
  • Why does David refuse to kill Saul when he gets the opportunity? Keep watch to see if Saul makes good on his promise to never harm David again.
  • Why does David move to the land of the Philistines?
  • Describe in your own words the enemies of David he mentions in Psalm 17. Describe David’s character according to this psalm. Take note of his strong confidence in God.
  • In Psalm 73 we find a common challenge to faith. Are you sometimes envious of how good some unbelievers have it in this life? What brings the psalmist out of his envy?


DAY 4 Psalms 35, 54, 63, 18

  • What acute need does David have in Psalm 35? What does he promise to do if the Lord answers his prayer?
  • What do David’s enemies fail to do in Psalm 54?
  • In Psalm 63 David speaks of being very thirsty for God. How does thirst take over your life if it gets bad enough? Describe what a person having an intense thirst for God looks like.
  • Can you honestly say, with David in Psalm 18, that you love the Lord? How does love for God display itself in your life from day to day?


DAY 5 1 Samuel 28-31; 1 Chronicles 10

  • Today’s reading records the tragic end of Saul’s life. Know that consulting mediums and spiritists is strictly forbidden in the law (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27; Deuteronomy 18:9-14).
  • What are some key lessons you learn from Saul’s life?


DAY 6 Psalms 121, 123-125, 128-130

  • Today’s reading is shorter than normal, so you can relax and meditate on each psalm. Use each one to help you formulate your own prayers to the Lord.

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