
Bible Reading - Week 24


You will read this week about the last years of Solomon’s reign. Be sure to pay careful attention to the mistakes he makes because they are tragic. Israel moves into some dark times after Solomon’s death.


Ecclesiastes 12:13 When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is this: fear God and keep his commands, because this is for all humanity.


DAY 1 Proverbs 27-29

  • Pick one proverb from each chapter to meditate on during your meal times, one for each meal. As you pray for your meal, pray for the Lord to help you to live by the truth of the proverbs you picked to meditate on.


DAY 2 Ecclesiastes 1-6

  • The book of Ecclesiastes will likely confuse and discourage you unless you realize that the author is bringing you, the reader, into his journey to discover if life is meaningful.
  • Notice the clues the author gives about his identity in 1:1 and 1:12.
  • As you read, look for the various things he pursues. Why do you believe he does not find ultimate satisfaction in his pursuits?
  • What does he conclude is best? Pay special attention to 2:24-26, 3:9-14, and 5:18-20 as you answer this question.


DAY 3 Ecclesiastes 7-12

  • Look for marks of foolishness as you read chapter 7. Pray that God will help you and your family avoid the foolishness described in this chapter.
  • Pay close attention to 8:12-13 and 15, as well as 9:7-10.
  • Be sure to appreciate the common sense of chapters 10-12.
  • In life, many things don’t make sense, and Ecclesiastes candidly admits this. At the same time, a believer in the Lord understands that there is more to life than how things appear to the eye (cf. Hebrews 11:1).
  • Don’t fail to catch the final conclusion in 12:13-14.


DAY 4 1 Kings 10-11; 2 Chronicles 9; Proverbs 30-31

  • Take note of the incredible wisdom and wealth of Solomon.
  • Despite his wisdom, what foolish thing does Solomon do, which defied the command of the Lord?
  • What precious metal is not even considered valuable in Solomon’s time because he has so much wealth?
  • Who replaces Solomon after he reigns forty years?
  • Notice in Proverbs 30 the repeated use of “three things…four…”
  • Take time to appreciate the characteristics of a wife of noble character. Pray for some wives you know that they will develop these traits.


DAY 5 1 Kings 12; 2 Chronicles 10

  • Notice how Rehoboam refuses to listen to the advice of the elders but instead listens to the young advisers. Is this a wise decision for Rehoboam?
  • What evil does Jeroboam do that is strikingly familiar to Exodus 32? What else does he do that is not right?


DAY 6 1 Kings 13-14; 2 Chronicles 11-12

  • The story about the man of God in 1 Kings 13 serves as a powerful reminder to remain faithful to carry out the assignment the Lord gives to us.
  • As you read about Jeroboam and Rehoboam, try to think of ways you may need to turn away from evil in your life, and then ask the Lord to give you the ability to do so.

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