
Bible Reading - Week 27


Congratulations! You’ve reached the halfway point in your journey through the Bible. This week you will make your way through two of the minor prophets—Amos and Hosea—before beginning the prophecy of Isaiah, which is quoted in the New Testament more frequently than any other.



Isaiah 1:16

Wash yourselves. Cleanse yourselves. Remove your evil deeds from my sight. Stop doing evil.


DAY 1 Amos 1-5

  • Pay attention to the familiar pattern of how the text describes the sins of Israel’s enemies (1:3, 6, 9, 11, 12; 2:1) and how the exact same pattern is used to point out the sins of Judah (2:4) and Israel (2:6). This means the descendants of Abraham were just as sinful as their neighbors.
  • What punishment does the Lord predict for the Israelites in chapter 3 for their disobedience?
  • What did the Lord do in chapter 4 to get the Israelites attention, but to no avail?
  • What will the day of the Lord be like, according to chapter 5?


DAY 2 Amos 6-9

  • For what sins will Israel be punished, according to chapter 6?
  • What kind of work did Amos do before the Lord called him to be a prophet (see 7:14-15)?
  • What tragic future does Israel have to look forward to because of its sins? This future is predicted twice in chapter 7.
  • What sort of famine is predicted in chapter 8?
  • Is there any hope for Israel according to chapter 9?


DAY 3 Hosea 1-5

  • Why does the Lord command Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman?
  • Notice the promise of hope in chapter 2.
  • Do not fail to see that both Hosea’s wife and Israel are called to return to faithfulness in chapter 3.
  • How many sins can you find in chapter 4 of which Israel is guilty?
  • According to the end of chapter 5, how long will the Lord isolate himself from Israel?
  • Take note that Israel is often called Ephraim in Hosea.


DAY 4 Hosea 6-9

  • Chapter 6 opens with a call to return to the Lord. Take note of what the Lord really wants of his people mentioned in verse 6.
  • Look for signs of unrepentant hearts as you read chapter 7.
  • What sin does chapter 8 specifically address?
  • Chapter 9 is a sobering prediction of punishment. May the Lord use it to spur you on to faithful devotion to him.


DAY 5 Hosea 10-14

  • Take note that Israel is often called Ephraim in Hosea.
  • Take some time to meditate on and pray for God to help you apply verse 12 of chapter 10.
  • Pay attention to how the Lord maintains love for his people in chapter 11 despite their rebellion.
  • A key verse in chapter 12 is verse 6. Pray for the Lord to help your family members apply this verse in their lives.
  • Try to feel the Lord’s frustration with his people as you read chapter 13.
  • The last verse in Hosea is especially significant, so take time to dwell on what it means.


DAY 6 Isaiah 1-4

  • Like Amos and Hosea, Isaiah calls out God’s people for unfaithfulness and warns of judgment. What evidence of sinfulness do you see in today’s reading?
  • What is the hope depicted in chapters 2 and 4?

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