
Bible Reading - Week 31


This week you will finish the prophecy of Isaiah before returning on days three and six to 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles. On days four and five you will read the short prophecies of Nahum and Zephaniah.



Isaiah 65:17 For I will create a new heaven and a new earth; the past events will not be remembered or come to mind.


DAY 1 Isaiah 59-63

  • As you read Isaiah 59, be aware of how sin brings damage, both to our relationship to God and to others. How has your sin damaged your relations to God and to others? In verses 16ff, what has the Lord done about sin?
  • Rejoice in the bright future chapter 60 predicts for God’s people and the Holy City.
  • Jesus said in Luke 4:17-21 that Isaiah 61:1-2 refer to him.
  • Chapter 62 speaks of Jerusalem’s restoration, but chapter 63 predicts a day of vengeance as well as redemption before it closes with a prayer for restoration. Be sure to praise and rejoice over the redemption and restoration you have because of Christ.


DAY 2 Isaiah 64-66

  • As you complete Isaiah, look for the contrast between judgment on the rebellious and blessings for the righteous. Also, look for an emphasis on the age to come when Christ will reign triumphantly.
  • How does knowing a glorious future awaits strengthen you in your current struggles?


DAY 3 2 Kings 21; 2 Chronicles 33

  • Manasseh was the son of Hezekiah, but he was very different from his father because Manasseh chose to live like the world, not as God wanted him to live. Notice that his son Amon was also very evil. These examples prove that righteousness cannot be inherited. Each generation is responsible to pursue the Lord.
  • Pay special attention to 2 Chronicles 33:10. Are there areas of your life in which you are refusing to listen to the Lord? What do you think will happen if you persist? What changes do you need to make?
  • Notice that Manasseh eventually humbled himself before the Lord but his son Amon did not. In what way do you need to increase your humility?


DAY 4 Nahum

  • As you read this short but powerful prophetic book, imagine how you might summarize its message to an unbeliever. How could you use it to help share the gospel?
  • Nahum writes to inform Nineveh of its impending downfall. Nineveh had once repented at the preaching of Jonah, but now it has become cruel and idolatrous once again and poised for judgment.
  • For what reasons do nations turn away from God?


DAY 5 Zephaniah

  • Be on the lookout for descriptions of the day of the Lord. How will it be a bad day? How will it be a good day?
  • Who has hope during the day of the Lord?
  • Describe the hope for God’s people mentioned in chapter 3.


DAY 6 2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34-35

  • Today you will read about one of the greatest kings who ever reigned in Jerusalem—Josiah. As you read, look specifically for what made him a great servant of the Lord and then think of some ways you might follow his example.

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