
Bible Reading - Week 32


This week the readings are exclusively in the prophetic writings. Expect to see much about the sins of God’s chosen people. Be on the lookout, however, for glimpses of hope.



Jeremiah 1:7 Then the LORD said to me: Do not say, “I am only a youth,” for you will go to everyone I send you to and speak whatever I tell you.


DAY 1 Habakkuk 1-3

  • Describe in your own words how the prophet Habakkuk is feeling at the beginning of his prophecy. What is his major concern?
  • How does God plan to use the Chaldeans? Does Habakkuk understand God’s purposes?
  • For what sins are judgments of woe pronounced against in chapter 2?
  • Can you rejoice in God and say, “The LORD my Lord is my strength” (3:18-19) even when everything seems to be going wrong in your life?


DAY 2 Joel 1-3

  • What natural disaster does chapter 1 describe? Try to envision the incredible devastation it causes? Notice how it impacts everything, even the wild animals.
  • In light of what is coming, what are God’s people and the priests supposed to do, according to chapter 2? What change occurs midway through chapter 2 that improves the situation dramatically?
  • What does the Lord promise to do to the enemies of his people in chapter 3?


DAY 3 Jeremiah 1-4

  • When did the Lord choose and appoint Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nations?
  • What kind of future does the Lord predict for the cities of Judah?
  • For what reason is the Lord bringing a case against his people?
  • Why do you think the Lord refers to the sins of Israel and Judah as prostitution and adultery?
  • Verse 4:4 calls upon the men of Judah to circumcise themselves and to remove the foreskin of their hearts. What does this mean?
  • What animal does chapter 4 use to describe the enemy bringing disaster from the north?
  • Summarize the devastation coming on the Israelites for their sin.
  • Be sure not to miss how Jeremiah feels about the punishment his people are receiving.


DAY 4 Jeremiah 5-8

  • The Lord promises to send a warrior nation from the north against his people because of their sin. Did the people of Israel and Judah think this would ever happen to them? Take note of how chapter 5 describes the devastation that will come (see especially verse 17).
  • Notice in 5:31 the failure of the religious leaders. It is indeed a sad day when religious leaders go astray. Note this problem is mentioned again in 6:13-15.
  • As you read about the various sins Jeremiah accuses the Israelites of committing in chapter 7, pause to inventory your life. Do you have sins in your life you need to turn away from? What steps do you need to take to remove them from your life?


DAY 5 Jeremiah 9-12

  • According to chapter 9, why is the land destroyed and scorched like a wilderness?
  • Compare the differences between idols and the Lord, according to chapter 10.
  • What are the consequences of breaking God’s covenant, mentioned in chapter 11?
  • What is predicted for the Israelites at the end of chapter 12 if they will obey the Lord? If they disobey?


DAY 6 Jeremiah 13-16

  • What lesson does the Lord teach in chapter 13 through Jeremiah’s underwear?
  • Why is Jeremiah forbidden to marry and have children?
  • Despite the bleakness of the present moment, what hope do the Israelites have, according to chapter 16?

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