
Bible Reading - Week 9


By all accounts, the Israelites are ready to enter the land the Lord has promised them. Yet they linger in the wilderness for forty years. You will learn why as you read this week.



Psalm 95:3 For the LORD is a great God,

                    a great king above all Gods.


DAY 1 Numbers 6-9

  • Make sure you understand the meaning of a Nazarite vow.
  • You will see that each tribal leader brings the same offering to the dedication of the tabernacle.
  • Look for how long a Levite could serve at the tent of meeting.
  • How does Moses decide if the men who are unclean on account of a dead body may observe the Passover?
  • Who determines when Israel moves in the desert? How does this influence how we should live today?


DAY 2 Numbers 10-13; Psalm 90

  • How does the Lord react to the complaints of his people?
  • Note how the Lord provides Moses with elders to assist him. Also, pay attention to how Moses is not jealous.
  • Why do Aaron and Miriam speak against Moses?
  • Why do the spies think Israel will not be able to enter the land of Canaan? What are they forgetting?


DAY 3 Numbers 14-16; Psalm 95

  • Why do the Israelites wish to return to Egypt? Note how the Lord is so angry with Israel he proposes to begin anew with Moses’ descendants.
  • Would you have continued to pray for Israel as Moses does? Why is Moses so faithful to Israel?
  • Pay attention to why all those twenty years old and upward will fall in the wilderness. What does this teach you about complaining?
  • What lessons do you see in the punishment the Lord inflicts on Israel at Korah’s rebellion?


  • How does Psalm 95 help you put today’s reading in perspective?


DAY 4 Numbers 17-20

  • After more laws about priests (17-18) and purity (19), chapter 20 records the loss of two key persons. Who are they?
  • When the Israelites again find themselves without water, what do they do? This time, however, Moses suggests that he and Aaron are responsible to provide water (20:10), and he fails to believe God and to make God holy in the sight of Israel (20:12). Consequently, what price do Moses and Aaron pay for their sin?


DAY 5 Numbers 21-24

  • Notice how in one moment Israel is faithful to the Lord (21:1-3), and unfaithful the next (21:4-5). Pray the Lord will help you and other believers to have the desire and power to remain faithful to the Lord.
  • Compare 21:8 with John 3:14.
  • Despite Israel’s impatience and speaking against God (21:4-5), what does he permit them to accomplish in 21:21-35?
  • What motivates Balak to urge Balaam to curse Israel? Second Peter 2:15 helps to understand why God’s anger was kindled against Balaam (22:22).
  • Chapter 24 is not the end of the story of Balaam. What wicked advice does he give to Balak according to Numbers 31:15-16?


DAY 6 Numbers 25-28

  • After reading Numbers 25, pause to consider carefully the heavy cost of sexual sin.
  • Rejoice after reading 27:1-11 that the Lord is concerned about those easily forgotten.
  • What do you learn from Numbers 27:12-23 about what will eventually happen to even the greatest of leaders?
  • What does the rest of today’s reading remind you about the work of the Lord after the death of a great leader?

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